Life Shouldn’t Stop After Retirement
A 95 year old patient once said to me, "You know that feeling when you drive all the way home from someplace and don't remember the trip?"
"That's how I feel about my retirement years."

I’ve spoken with 100s who regret the way they spent their golden years.
They feel like the past few decades have flown by, but they haven’t done anything meaningful.
This chapter of their life has left them unfulfilled.
Often, they have lost their independence and begin to feel like they’re a burden to their family and caregivers.
Maybe they floated mindlessly through retirement, expecting life to just be easier once they could stop working,
Or maybe they had not anticipated and planned for their inevitable debility and then have needless suffering.
Either way, these patients’ realities are sadly the norm.
However, with the right tools, these all too common situations are fully preventable.
So why do so many people fall victim to this?
Because end of life planning is somewhat taboo…
But it shouldn’t be.
Just as you graduate college, start a family, or buy a house, your next chapters are another huge milestone in your life and should be planned for appropriately.
Creating a happy and fulfilling retirement means…

Because end of life planning is somewhat taboo…
But it shouldn’t be.
Just as you graduate college, start a family, or buy a house, your next chapters are another huge milestone in your life and should be planned for appropriately.
Creating a happy and fulfilling retirement means…

Thinking About More Than Just Your Will
Most people prepare for these chapters by making sure their finances are in order… and that’s it.
- But consider a more meaningful legacy you can leave behind.
- Consider living your next chapters deliberately, and waking up every morning knowing that your day will be vibrant and enriching.
- Consider maintaining a level of independence, being able to participate in your favorite activities, and making the most out of your golden years.
You only need to implement small, simple changes to improve your quality of life and create fulfilling next chapters.
So what does this look like?
Planning Both Practically and Spiritually
Just because you’re ill or aging doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thriving.
There is an inevitable need for assistance from others at some point in this phase of life, and planning accordingly is vital.
These steps to achieving vibrant next chapters are actually quite easy, and you might already know you should be doing them.
But time and time again I have seen patients neglect these basic steps as they reach what should be their golden years.
But luckily, with the right plan, you can preserve your health, alleviate anxieties that accompany these chapters of life, and continue living to the fullest.
You’ll be able to make informed end-of-life decisions that will be honored by your loved ones.
And most importantly, you will be able to….

Just because you’re ill or aging doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thriving.
There is an inevitable need for assistance from others at some point in this phase of life, and planning accordingly is vital.
These steps to achieving vibrant next chapters are actually quite easy, and you might already know you should be doing them.
But time and time again I have seen patients neglect these basic steps as they reach what should be their golden years.
But luckily, with the right plan, you can preserve your health, alleviate anxieties that accompany these chapters of life, and continue living to the fullest.
You’ll be able to make informed end-of-life decisions that will be honored by your loved ones.
And most importantly, you will be able to….
Make the Most of Your Golden Years
If you’re attentive to your physical health, your spiritual and mental wellbeing, and your relationships, these next chapters can be:

You will have a deep understanding of the needs of your body, mind, and spirit and have the tools needed to fulfill them.
You can reflect on your life with gratitude and appreciation, knowing that you will leave behind a legacy that will continue to have a positive impact when you’re gone.
This course gives you the tools needed to thrive in these chapters of your life, as well as the resources needed to create a successful plan that works for you to preserve your mental, emotional, and physical health to the fullest extent possible.
Here’s a peek inside:
Mindful Retirement Course
Making Your Retirement Years More Vibrant and Fulfilling
Healthy, Longer Life
In this module you’ll discover simple, yet effective, methods to improve your physical wellbeing and longevity. I'll also show you how to successfully deal with change.
Healthy Mind
In this module you’ll discover the surprising connection between your mind and your physical health. I’ll share with you simple strategies you can use to recalibrate your mind and improve your quality of life and longevity. Hint: these have nothing to do with doing puzzles.
Healthy Spirit
Here we will explore your spiritual (not religious) wellbeing. You will learn the importance of having meaning and purpose, healthy relationships, and practical mindfulness and gratitude practices to improve your quality of life and longevity.
Final Chapters Course
Planning for Your Final Chapters
Advanced Care Planning
We will explore common, critical themes that come up at end of life. You will learn the real deal about resuscitation, artificial nutrition, and informed consent. This will provide you with what you need to know to complete your advanced directive and how to share your wishes with your family.
Getting the Appropriate Care for Your Needs
Most people neglect to prepare and plan for their debility and increased care needs that it will bring. In this module we will explore all of the community resources that can help you in this stage and how to access them. Having this knowledge will significantly reduce the burden your decline will have on you and your loved ones.
When Death is Near
In this module we will discuss what to expect during this sacred and precious time. You will learn about legacy opportunities, rituals and ceremonies, and methods of having meaningful conversations with those you love.
Bonus Module
Caregiver Course
Many of you are, or will become, caregivers for others. We all will likely need caregivers as we age. Caregivers’ health has become a public health crisis. In this module we learn how to prepare and sustain ourselves while we are in the caregiver role.

Meet Amy
Dr. Boyce is compassionate and communicates well the knowledge and wisdom that supports living an intentional and full life at any age. I know Dr. Boyce both personally and professionally and have conferred with her about my clients since our work overlaps in that we share helping people that are preparing for retirement, in retirement, and dealing with the end of life. I have been an attorney specializing in estate planning, wills and trusts, and after death administration of them for over 28 years. I have obtained valuable information from Dr. Boyce as to how to help my clients and their caregivers move through life with intention, mental and emotional confidence, and peace of mind.
Dr. Boyce’s warm, welcoming and easy going style makes topics most want to sweep under the rug, engaging, rich with content, and easily absorbed.
Dr. Boyce is a treasure and I am thrilled she is sharing her gems of wisdom and care through these courses. I recommend them to my clients.

Meet Laurie
Navigating aging and the end of life, whether for oneself or a family member, is never easy. However, having knowledge and being prepared can help immensely. As a nurse who worked with Dr. Boyce at hospice for many years, I can attest to her understanding of the issues involved, and her skill and clarity at addressing them. The information provided in this series is a must for anyone who faces these challenges now or in the future — in other words, all of us!

Meet Harold
Ch. Lt.Col. USAF (Ret.)
The program created by Dr. Boyce is a phenomenal asset to assist individuals at a very sacred time in their lives. Without hesitation I strongly endorse and recommend her program and its phenomenal benefits. Within this program Dr. Boyce has combined her purpose and passion for helping humanity. May you continue to educate, edify and empower those around you.

Meet Manisha
Dr. Boyce possesses the rare combination of compassion and clarity that is so valuable when we are asking questions about quality of life and end-of-life. She desires what is truly best for the person and will listen well to their needs to help the person find ways to navigate through the complicated processes that face all of us as we age.

Meet Maureen
It can feel like a daunting task to plan for late life, and end of life, wishes and goals. Too many of us avoid it all together.
Dr. Boyce brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, wisdom and compassion to this important topic. With her guidance, this subject matter suddenly feels more approachable. The videos are a rich resource for adults of every age, as well as for the health care practitioner who wants to provide patients or clients with meaningful support for navigating the healthcare decisions that inevitably accompany our later years.
When thoughtful consideration is given to our end of life goals, the result is frequently an increased peace of mind, not only for the individual, but for family members and caregivers alike. That seems like a pretty good healthcare goal all by itself!

Meet Cheryl
I have known Dr. Vanessa Boyce for fifteen years. I was first introduced to her when we served together on the staff of a large hospice provider in the Midwest. Since that time, Vanessa has continued to hone her considerable skills as a practitioner working with people who are chronically ill and those who are facing the end of life. She LIVES the practices that she teaches to others regarding how to live a life filled with meaning and purpose. Dr. Boyce invites us to embrace the challenges that come with aging so that we can, as much as possible, make choices that enable us to live out our values and priorities. Vanessa Boyce is a creative and compassionate physician and educator who is fearless in her pursuit of wisdom and in her commitment to help people to live their best lives.

I’m Dr. Vanessa Boyce
Death has always been my biggest teacher.
I lost many close family members at a young age and faced financial and emotional instability for a long time.
My first job was at a nursing home and I later went on to become an ER and ICU nurse.
While I was still in nursing school, my aunt developed lung cancer. When I visited her in the hospital a nurse was coaxing her to get up into the chair. She looked at me and asked, “do I really have to do this?”
I began explaining to her the importance of sitting up to prevent pneumonia and blood clots. She shook her head and waved her hand across the room and said, “no, do I have to do this?”
I realized she no longer wanted to continue chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
This was before our small town had hospice services, so her daughter and I managed to get a hospital bed and oxygen. We took her home and cared for her until her death.
My young adult life taught me the importance of mental health and spiritual fulfillment.
When I went to medical school, I was shocked that I received NO formal end-of-life training.
100% of people die,
yet our society has few resources to learn about the dying process.
As a young doctor, I tried to fight death, but after a decade I transitioned to hospice.
My hospice patients have taught me the importance of hope. And the importance of being educated about death.
I enrolled in what came to be a five year course on the sacred art of living and dying, where I learned non-medicinal healing practices.
Learning about the importance of mental, spiritual, and physical well-being inspired me to transition to palliative care, where I could share my knowledge with patients sooner than when they were in hospice.
Seeing so many people unprepared for their end of life was shocking to me.
Death is inevitable, but suffering is not.
This gave me the tools I needed to take the knowledge I have to a larger audience by creating this course and making a greater impact.

yet our society has few resources to learn about the dying process.
As a young doctor, I tried to fight death, but after a decade I transitioned to hospice.
My hospice patients have taught me the importance of hope. And the importance of being educated about death.
I enrolled in what came to be a five year course on the sacred art of living and dying, where I learned non-medicinal healing practices.
Learning about the importance of mental, spiritual, and physical well-being inspired me to transition to palliative care, where I could share my knowledge with patients sooner than when they were in hospice.
Seeing so many people unprepared for their end of life was shocking to me.
Death is inevitable, but suffering is not.
This gave me the tools I needed to take the knowledge I have to a larger audience by creating this course and making a greater impact.
Choose the Right Option for You
- Complete lifetime access to the program
- Downloadable audio files for each lesson
- Lifetime access to digital downloads, worksheets, exercises and references
- 3 modules of Mindful Retirement course content
- 15 video lessons
- More than one hour of video education
- Extensive library of curated references & resources for each lesson
- Complete lifetime access to the program
- Downloadable audio files for each lesson
- Lifetime access to digital downloads, worksheets, exercises and references
- 3 modules of Planning for Your Final Chapters course content
- 14 video lessons
- More than one hour of video education
- Extensive library of curated references & resources for each lesson
- Complete lifetime access to the program
- Downloadable audio files for each lesson
- Lifetime access to digital downloads, worksheets, exercises and references
- 1 module of Caregiving course content
- 5 video lessons
- More than 25 minutes of video education
- Extensive library of curated references & resources for each lesson
** MASTER **
** COURSE **
- Complete lifetime access to the program
- Downloadable audio files for each lesson
- Lifetime access to digital downloads, worksheets, exercises and references
- 6 modules of course content: 3 on Mindful Retirement and 3 on Planning for Your Final Chapters
- Plus, BONUS 7th module on Caregiving
- 34 video lessons
- More than two and half hours of video education
- Extensive library of curated references & resources for each lesson
Satisfaction Guaranteed
I know the material in this course works and works well… but I also know you can’t know that for sure until you’re inside the course. That’s why you can join now, watch the videos, try out the exercises, and go through the process for 30 days… and if after that you’re unsatisfied for any reason just email us for a full refund

If you’re a caregiver of a patient in their final stages of life, most of your energy is likely spent on their wellbeing.
But your presence itself is a medicine, and your effectiveness at helping others heal is dependent on your own spiritual, mental, and physical health.
But many doctors aren’t comfortable with the topic of aging and death,
So it’s up to you to make sure your patient or loved one’s needs and wishes are honored and their dignity is preserved.
Grief and burnout are very real issues in your position.
As a caregiver myself, I created this course with you and your loved one in mind
This course goes over everything you need to know about assisting in the planning and implementation of vibrant final chapters, plus there is a bonus module just for you!
How do I know this course will work for me?
This course is based on decades of medical, personal, and spiritual experience. It uses proven methods that have helped my patients thrive in their golden years. While I can’t guarantee that this course will 100% work for every single person who takes it, I’m confident that if you put in the work to create a solid plan for yourself and your caregiver(s), you’ll be able to thrive in these next chapters.
Is there a money back guarantee?
Yes! If you’re unhappy with the course for any reason, just email me within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.
How long will this course take to complete?
I didn’t design this course to be something you take once and never come back to. I created it as a resource you can come back to over and over again as you progress through these next chapters of your life.